Wednesday, November 18, 2020

MS Flow to update records in D365 CRM


Recently we had a requirement to add one new flag in Product entity. Once flag added, I need to update some of the products based on some criteria. But to update products either I need to open each product and update flag or need to find some another way. So, I thought of writing my first power automation flow.

This is just one-time update job, so I created manually trigger flow.

In this flow I used fetch xml query to pull products which I want to update and used for each (Apply to Each) loop to update product.

  •    Start creating flow from blank

·       In Manual trigger a flow, I used to Yes/No input for just confirmation about executing flow.

  •     So far, we are not connected to Common data service. To pull data from D365, you need to connect to D365 using common Data Service and choose environment.   Once Connected to D365, use List Records Action in Common Data Service.

    ·       For List Records Action you need to specify Entity name and there are different options to retrieve records. I used FetchXml.

    ·       Now there are many records and need to update one by one. When using workflow in D365 CRM we cannot update one-by one record in single workflow until we write some custom code. But now in power automation you can using basic loops like Apply to Each.

    ·       Apply to Each loop is a For Each loop.  Which will give you each item. Here we are pulling products and passing to Loop, so need to get each product. In Select an output from previous steps, select list value. Which is a single product value.

    ·       Now we need to work in Loop. Click add Action in Loop and use Common Data Service  à Update Record.

    ·       In Update Record action, use entity name as Product and then Item Id will be Product Unique Identifier. And then need to set attributes whose values need to be updated.

Complete flow will look like

Monday, October 12, 2020

Model Driven App - Script Error

 Recently during some development, I came across one strange error. One user was getting script error when trying to access connection entity form. 

On connection entity, I added some JavaScript code to filter connection from lookup to limit only for Users and Teams. 

JavaScript Code is working fine when I tried to debug issue. 

After doing some more debugging, I realized user is using different app and that app does not have access to Team entity. 

 Once added Team entity into App, error Fixed, and script worked as designed. 

When designing Model Driven App for consider 

 1. When using JavaScript code to filter lookups to specific entity, specially customer lookup, connection entity from / to lookups, make sure entities used in filter are added in App. 

2. When using JavaScript code to redirect to specific form based on value change / option set change, make sure all forms added in App. 

3.  If entity is using Quick create form, then make sure quick create forms added in App otherwise default main form will be used to create record



Monday, February 13, 2017

Error : Too many entities enabled for auto created access teams.

Error Log: 

Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: Too many entities enabled for auto created access teams.Detail:
<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1="" />
  <Message>Too many entities enabled for auto created access teams.</Message>
  <InnerFault i:nil="true" />
  <TraceText i:nil="true" />

In MS CRM by default you can enable for auto create access teams to Maximum 5 entities. Once this limit reaches you will see above error message.
This limit is specified in MaxEntitiesEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams deployment setting.
You need to update this deployment setting if you have more than 5 entities.

To update you can use Powershell

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell
$Cred = Get-Credential
$CrmOrgs=Get-CrmOrganizations -serverUrl https://< CRM_Server_Host >
 -Credential $Cred
Get-CrmSetting -SettingType TeamSettings
$set =Get-CrmSetting -SettingType TeamSettings
$set.MaxEntitiesEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams = “6”
Set-CrmSetting -Setting $set
Useful links for PowerShell: 

To Update using SQL
Login to SQL server
Run following query on MSCRM_CONFIG database
select * from DeploymentProperties where ColumnName ='MaxEntitiesEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams'

To Update MaxEntitiesEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams  setting run
update DeploymentProperties set IntColumn = 6 where ColumnName ='MaxEntitiesEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams'

Verify your setting is changed or not using select query.
Now you can able to enable 6th entity for auto create access team.